Kindness, such a nice word to pronounce, already giving you the positive vibe. I love it, I do have few favorite words to pronounce and kindness is of course one of them. I am kind, people say that and I know my acts often speak for me. I wasn't like that my whole life - I am not going to say I was, I try to be honest as well. Wink wink. I always wasn't the person who I am today and we all know that none of us was. We change with the time, every new day shapes us either to a better person or worse or even doesn't affect us at all. I know we all have these days, when you just avoid everyone and everything. Let's be honest. But I am not writing this post to speak about those days. I am here to talk the deal about me changing to the better me.
We all know people, who aren't really nice. This world today, isn't nice. At all. And people who have heart on their sleeve or whatever is the phrase, we don't see them very often. To be quite honest with you guys, when someone ever did something nice for me and didn't bother if I didn't return the favor, I was shocked. But instead of turning into a snake, I decided that I want to be like them. To be that nice and kind person who always looks for the people around. And so I began the journey of turning into a kind person.
It is quite heavy, you know, to start doing things for others and not expect them to return anything back to you. I know people who did help me and were like, no it's okay. But honestly, they did expect me to do things for them and it makes me quite sad, people are like that. It is my opinion, but I think it should be considered as a fact. You really are not nice person if you expect something back.
Being kind and nice is freeing. It doesn't cost a thing, you just go and pass your kind behavior to all people you see. You might be thinking, okay, so what do you exactly do that you consider yourself being better than anyone else. But that's not what I think. What I do? Simple acts. I smile at people I am passing, at my colleagues in work. You probably know the warming feeling, when the cashier asks you about your day. It is probably their work to do so, but it makes your day. Once I told an arabian girl that she is beautiful, and she smiled so brightly I felt like I am gazing into the sun. People are very racist these days and I think it just made her really happy, that someone - different races, but not that it means a thing - was accepting her the way she was and told her something nice. We are really rude towards ourselves alone, we say and think bad things about us and when someone goes extra mile and sometimes out of their comfrot zone and compliments us, I think it makes us happy.
What is kind? Sometimes it's opening doors for someone, or letting old person to sit on a bus instead of you, help someone pay for their stuff, when they are short on few pennies, complimenting stranger on a street, helping a blind person to cross a street, or if not comfortable touching strange people, just telling them that there's a stair. Things like this make a difference in a world. Just imagine if we all behaved nicely towards each other. If we wouldn't force our powers towards other countries and didn't want to have control over everything. Wars wouldn't exist, people wouldn't fight and it would be a hell lot better place where to live.
I've heard an opinion from a person I know, I will not call her or him a friend, because I don't think people who are disrespectful are able to be my friends. That person actually told "Well I think you're weak, if you think being nice helps the world." Actually, being kind and nice takes a courage. And courage isn't something, weak people know. It takes courage, to try hard everyday and sometimes fail completely. It takes courage to try to see the best in people like the person who said that. People who do take these courage and make the most out of it are the one, who still give us the chance of living in a better world. And I want the world to change and maybe that is why I chose kindness. Maybe I want to be known for being nice and kind, even if it means that someone sees me as a weak person. I'll take these chances.
And what about you? Do you try to be kind to people around?
Would you consider trying to, if you knew it is changing the world?
All the love,
5 komentářů
This is truly inspiring. I love your words. Thanks for sharing. :)
OdpovědětVymazatThank you thousands! X
VymazatKindness is an excellent choice! Great topic... ⛵️
OdpovědětVymazatThank you! Glad you liked this! x
VymazatI think when you are a nice person it's a bit hard to imagine that people would not be nice too. Sadly some people would sometimes take your kindness for weakness but do not let that change you. i have been though that personally and it can be a bit hard.. but one of my motto now is "if you know better, you do better". Kindness is always the way.
OdpovědětVymazatI love your blog, Following you dear :)
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