
Hello everybody, 
just realised all I do when starting new article is apologizing that yet again, I didn't quite make it to post during the week, but I am still not quite done with getting used to the busy schedule and on weekend I either sleep, eat or just .. chill. This time, I'm going to gather all my blogging knowledge from past ten years and tell you, what exactly you shouldn't be doing, when you think of starting a new blog. Some of it might be my own experience and some lessons learned from my own mistakes. With blogging, it is always a try and fail and learn from it. And of course, some might work for others and something might not. Hope you are going to enjoy it and share your tips! x

Never think the best of yourself 
Once you become too cocky and too arrogant, people will turn their back to you and you will never see them commenting on your blog ever ever again. I've seen too many people being so proud and so cocky about where they are with their blogs and thinking they are the real deal in this industry, then when you notice something off and remind them of it, they will go full range on you, being very rude and probably calling you names. You don't ever want to be like this. If someone shows you grammar mistakes you did in the post you thought was brilliant, thank them. They do not remind you of tiny errors to bring you down, they are trying to help you. I am still quite aware that I am not perfect in my writing, especially now when I blog in english, if someone critizes me in a good way, without calling me names, I'll thank them. You kind of need to. 

Do not take every advice and opinion on your blog, your friend tell you. 
Because your friends might be small minded and don't get your passion for writing and see your hobby as a waste of time. This is possibly one of the most discouraging things, that can happen. You get all excited, tell your friends and they will bring you down. Or tell you very bad advice on posts and what so ever. I have that one friend, who never really understood my passion for writing and possibly youtube and any time I talked about it, she just said it's a waste of time and I did listen to her and hesitate so many times. Do not listen to everything they have to say. Do you, boo. 

Don't invest before you know you'll be having a profit of your blog. 
Most people will tell "Oh I'm here for the blogging, not the money." but in ninetynine percents, it's not true. People will be happy to earn some money from "just" blogging, but the most fatal thing to do is, to spend so much money on a blog you are not sure will be successful and making profit. Sure, you want to go on wordpress and want to buy the kit? Go for it, but only if you know, that the money won't be missing at the end of a month, especially if you go fully into a blogsphere and depend only on what you earn. If you work full time in some company and starting your blog just for fun at first like me, and you have some spare money, go for it. But always, always be aware on what you can spend and what you can't! 

Never bash other bloggers for fame
As if the whole concept of bashing someone to get something out of it isn't wrong enough, people still do it. Youtubers do it and it is just completely wrong. Yes, you'll get pretty much fame, people will go to your blog if you are successful enough in the bashing, but few weeks from the "fame gain", people will remember as only the person who bashed someone. Not the posts. Your fame should always be for what you are doing and not for bringing someone down, remember that. If you don't like anyone, just say it to their face personally and don't cause drama. Thank you.  

Don't steal others ideas and blog posts. 
Copying someone's work is just plain bad. But if you go and claim it yours as a plus, it's dead plain wrong. If you can't think of anything you would write about (which isn't always so easy, i know that), rather don't write at all, then going and claiming someone's work as yours. It's easy, maybe you know someone who isn't so famous and has a good point. But for god's sake, don't lower yourself to THIS level. 

So these are my first tips on what not to do when starting a blog, would you like to make this kind of  a series? 

All the love as always, 


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